Set in Edinburgh's darkest underbelly, Shrapnel- the latest production from leading Gàidhlig Theatre Company Theatre Gu Leòr- follows the journey of a man on the run for a crime he did not commit. We follow our enigmatic narrator's every step through the streets of Leith, as he meets an array of extraordinary misfits with psychopathic former detective, Walter Shrapnel, never far behind.
Ath-sgrìobhadh den nobhail leis an sàr sgrìobhaiche, Tormod Caimbeul, le dealbhachadh, fo-thiotalan agus ceòl, tha Shrapnel freagarrach airson fìleantaich agus luchd-ionnsachaidh air fad. Air a' stèidheachadh ann an dorchadas Lìte, tha sinn a' leantainn aithrisear 's e a' siubhail air feadh a' bhaile a' coinneachadh ri iomadach charactar annasach agus a' seachnadh a' phoileis bhrùideil, Walter Shrapnel.
This brand new stage adaptation of Shrapnel has been written by Catriona Lexy Chaimbeul, from the novel which was dedicated to her by her late father, Tormod Chaimbeul, the maverick and well-loved Gàidhlig writer from Ness in the northern tip of the Isle of Lewis.
Shrapnel is subtitled throughout and so is totally accessible to both English and Gàidhlig speakers. The subtitles, animation and video along with a haunting soundscape and live music mean this extraordinary, funny, dark and irreverent piece of theatre will engage audiences, whatever language they speak.