The Kelton Hill Fair runs at the Tron Theatre until 29 March
The Kelton Hill Fair is a new production by Wonder Fools that has been created alongside the Young Collaborators in Dumfries and Galloway.
Flo (Ava Hickey) is a looked-after child, living with her foster mother (Julie Wilson-Nimmo) and is in some trouble at school. She hit a teacher in the face with a hole punch and her foster mum admits that she's at her wits end with Flo's behaviour.
Flo runs away and meets a young woman (Laura Lovemore) who encourages her to come and visit the fair. It's not a regular fair, it only appears one day a year but its inhabitants are able to live forever- or at least as long as people on earth keep telling their stories.
The fair is led by Billy Marshall (Sam Stopford) and he tries to convince Flo that this is where she belongs. Feeling like she has no place in the world and having lost her best and only friend to suicide, the concept seems appealing. Martin Donaghy plays Robert Burns, a man very much obsessed with his own legacy. Michael Dylan does a wonderful job as William Hare, a man determined to try and downplay his dark mark on history.
The Kelton Hill Fair is an undeniably weird piece of theatre but Robbie Gordon and Jack Nurse do well to create this magical little world. It's clear the input that young people have had and the care taken in portraying children in the care system.
It's also a visually stunning show, thanks to Ursule Kerbedyte's scenic artistry and Benny Goodman's lighting design. The fantastical world of the fair seems enchanting at first but as Flo learns more about the characters of the fair, the true darkness of eternal life starts to become clear.
This is a unique show that does well to entwine fantasy with reality, connecting these egotistical historical figures with people that Flora knows in real life. Supported by strong performances across the board, The Kelton Hill Fair is an imaginative and well-thought-out piece of theatre.
Photo credit: Mihaela Bodlovic