Snow White and the Seven Maws runs until 6 January 2024
The Autumn/Winter season of A Play, A Pie and A Pint has come to an end which means that its time for the Oran Mor's winter pantomime. Written by Johnny Mcknight and directed by Martin McCormick this is a daytime pantomime for adults that includes a drink and a pie with the cost of the ticket.
The idea of adult panto normally gives me the boak as the ones normally advertised are particularly lewd. Snow White and the Seven Maws isn't one for the kids but there's just some light innuendo and swearing involved.Â
Sticking to the format of the lunchtime theatre, Snow White and the Seven Maws runs at just an hour and is a perfectly compact piece. Â Snow White (Julie Cullen) has just lost her father and her jealous stepmother (Carmen Pieraccini) has ordered Snow White's nanny to have her heart cut out, leaving the Queen as the fairest in the land. Nanny Hedda Lettuce (Neil John Gibson) can't bring herself to kill Snow White so leaves her in the forest to stumble upon a little cottage where 'the maws' live.
This is particularly well done with a small cast of five as they take on multiple roles as Glaswegian maws. There's Crabby, Shattered, Bampot and the dope-smoking Dopey to name a few! The role switching is used to great effect and Maureen Carr is fantastic as several of the maws and unexpectedly, Prince Charming.
A lot is achieved during the short run-time. There's a little bit of audience participation, a few musical numbers and some searing political commentary making this a lovely festive way to spend lunchtime!Â