This multi-sensory theatrical adaptation of Jean Giono's environmental classic tells the inspiring story of a shepherd who plants a forest, acorn by acorn, transforming a barren wasteland. As much a touching tale as it is a hilarious puppet show, "The Man Who Planted Trees" shows us the difference one man (and his dog!) can make to the world.
Suitable for adults and children over 6 years.
In the years before the First World War, in the foothills of the French Alps, shepherd Elzéard Bouffier has quietly taken on the task of planting 100 acorns a day in an effort to reforest the desolate region of Provence in southern France. Over the next several decades and over two World Wars, this man's quiet, solitary works comes to fruition - the region in transformed, life and hope return, and the world is renewed.
This show has won:
1. Eco Prize for Creativity, 2007
2. Total Theatre Award for Story Theatre, 2008
3. Victor Award IPAY (International Performing Arts for Youth) Showcase, Cleveland Ohio, 2009
4. Best Children's Show at Brighton Fringe, 2009
5. Manchester Evening News Theatre Award for Best Studio Performance, 2009
6. Highest rated and reviewed show of the 2012 Edinburgh Festivals at
7. Winner of the 2012 CSPA Sustainable Production at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe
Tour dates:
27- 28 September: Auditorium A @ KomTAR, Georgetown
1 - 3 October: Black Box @ Publika, Kuala Lumpur
5 - 6 October: Auditorium @ JOTIC, Johor Bahru
8 - 13 October: PJ Live Arts @ Jaya One, Petaling Jaya
More information
Box Office (017) 2289 849