Patrick Spicer: Who's This all of a Sudden? Plays at Coorie at Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose (venue 24) from August 3 - 28.
Patrick Spicer is bringing his debut hour to Edinburgh. But if you were hoping for an hour of worry-free whimsy, you've come to the wrong place. Because Patrick is WORRIED.
Patrick feels as though there's always been something wrong with him. When he was thirteen, he tried to be cool by taking ecstasy which lead to his first panic attack. Eighteen years later Patrick has had many, many more panic attacks but has seen no increase in coolness.
In his twenties, with the panic attacks failing to abate and other physical symptoms becoming apparent, Patrick saw doctors and therapists for his (still unexplained) symptoms.
One GP gave him a possible terrifying diagnosis. Which it turns out was almost certainly wrong. But was it? Is it? .... Probably not... right?
Trying to work out what's up, has led to an adulthood of feeling generally "wrong" and working very hard to hide that feeling. Patrick has spent a lifetime trying to convince himself, and others that he's SUPER NORMAL. He usually fails.
Worrying about and trying to work out what's wrong has caused Patrick to find himself in a host of embarrassing and sometimes terrifying experiences. Often feeling like a weirdo, lying about being a top shagger, terrified people would find out the truth about when really he lost his virginity.
This endearing, self-deprecating debut hour is a personal and honest exploration of the absurd ways Patrick's mental and physical health issues manifest; and finding ways to make peace with those while trying to live up to unachievable ideals of masculinity. Linking feelings that almost everyone feels at least occasionally, to experiences almost no one else has had. It's silly and irreverent, laughing at the ridiculous because it's funny to talk about bleak things while grinning.
Anyone who's ever felt humiliated or afraid or like there's something wrong with them can laugh along with Patrick. Any perfect legends who feel great 24-7 can come and laugh AT Patrick, but he'll know they're hiding it all. Better than he can.
Patrick Spicer: Who's This all of a Sudden? Plays at Coorie at Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose (venue 24) from August 3 - 28