Remember teenage love? Obsessive and knotted together. Nancy (Essie Barrow) and Alex met in biology class dissecting a pig heart. They shared secrets, comic books and classic Dido songs. They believed their love was eternal. Until they broke it. Now, reunited ten years later at a mutual friends' wedding, another dissection begins.
Nancy and Alex are forced to confront their comforting myths and mismatching memories... to unpack what really happened when their lives shattered all those years before. Who hurt who, and who is holding on too tightly to that trauma? Post-Mortem is an unflinching, complex and comedic look at the giddy joy of young love, its fragments, the trauma which outlives it, and the lies we tell ourselves when love ends.
Award-winning playwright Iskandar R. Sharazuddin (performing as Alex) turns the typical two-hander on its head with the show's intimate fusion of dance, physical theatre and gripping new writing. Emotionally complex and instantly recognisable characters wrought through sharp writing, combine with strong onstage chemistry, evocative movement sequences and nuanced set, sound and lighting design, to take us deep into the hearts and heads of the protagonists, unearthing much that is unexpected along the way. Sharazuddin says:
"Post-Mortem is a play, that for the most part, is about how we mythologise our own past, and asks what it means when someone else has a conflicting mythology? Both these ex-lovers have their own narrative why that relationship ended and are forced to confront their mismatching ideas of what happened."
Post Mortem is produced by Ellandar Productions and Jessica Rose McVay Productions and is directed by Jessica Rose McVay.
Post-Mortem runs from 5th - 26th August (not 19th) and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. For tickets and more information: