The company will include documentaries, feature films, and television shows which will all be made 100% sustainable.
The Saillant Company is sounding an alarm about the climate crisis. TicToc Earth Campaign strives to help save our precious Planet Earth from further deterioration.
CEO, Antonio Saillant quotes, "I launched TicToc Earth to help Stop the Clock by educating youth to better understand our planet in order to create necessary changes in the environment. We are looking for Environmental Crusaders to help spread our amazing brand, 'TicToc Earth,' to make everyday Earth Day."
Climate change presents a monumental challenge to industries throughout the world and Antonio Saillant believes this can be beaten by educating and spreading awareness.
Saillant quotes, "Our planet continues to fall into a destructive pattern, but that does not mean that we're locked in forever...It's the simple things in daily habits that can make a huge difference. Stand up for our planet and let's continue to focus on our mission to ensure a better environment for generations to come."
Sustainable Producer Antonio Saillant recently launched The Saillant Company, a multi-platform production company that will include documentaries, feature films, and television shows which will all be made 100% sustainable.
The Saillant Company will continue its work to provide a healthier future by teaching and helping people to realize that they have the power to make changes that can impact the environment. We can make a difference to help Stop the Clock. We can achieve this by involvement. In unity, we have the ability to make great change and progress for our earth.