FST continues its Stage III Series with Constellations by Nick Payne. Following Roland and Marianne's relationship across multiple existences, this multifaceted drama is the second production in Florida Studio Theatre's Stage III Series. Constellations runs in the Bowne's Lab Theatre from February 21 through March 16, 2018. Single tickets may be purchased online at floridastudiotheatre.org, by phone at (941) 366-9000, or by visiting the Box Office.
Can one word alter the course of your life? A simple encounter between a man and a woman leads to a spellbinding journey across time and space. Science and romance collide in this unusual love story of infinite possibilities and the difference between choice and destiny. Constellations has sparked the interest of critics across the country. The New York Times calls it a "Gorgeous, two-character drama" that is "A magnificent work." To the LA Times, it is "Extraordinary," while the Chicago Tribune finds it "Formidable." Broadway World deems it to be "A lovely romance with a brain."
Playing the roles of Marianne and Roland are Alexis Hyatt and Chris Tipp, respectively, both of whom are currently part of FST's production of How to Use a Knife. Hyatt's previous credits include All My Sons, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Blithe Spirit. Tipp has performed in 4000 Miles, Sex with Strangers, and The Who's Tommy.
The pair has to balance rehearsing for Constellations by day and performing in How to Use a Knife by night. Hyatt shares, "The biggest challenge for me is going to be making the emotional switch from this beautiful, open hearted, vulnerable British character"-Marianne in Constellations-"Into the no nonsense, American, direct, professional woman to whom emotions are a hindrance to her efficiency on the job"-Kim in How to Use a Knife.
Some of the play's power comes from its examination of life's unpredictability and the interconnected nature of the human race. Tipp explains, "This play doesn't explore just one particular path of life, it explores many: What if you meet the love of your life? What if you don't? What if you cheat on them, what if they cheat on you, what if they get sick physically or mentally, or both? What if what you choose now determines which of those outcomes happens later? It is a beautiful story of living, loving, and the power of choice."
Directing Hyatt and Tipp is Jason Cannon, an Associate Artist at FST, whose recent directing credits include How to Use a Knife, Once, Doublewide, and Burt & Me. Cannon describes Constellations as: "Two souls 'meet-cute' and have a romance full of ups and downs, not just linearly and consecutively, but in parallel and simultaneous universes. The challenge is to live fully in every single universe; to reflect the flesh and blood reality of every universe. It's not sci-fi; it's real life, here and now."
Constellations is the second production in Florida Studio Theatre's Stage III Series, running from February 21 through March 16, 2018. A subscription to all three Stage III shows may be purchased for as little as $49. Single tickets may be purchased online at floridastudiotheatre.org, by phone at (941) 366-9000, or by visiting the Box Office.
About Florida Studio Theatre
Known as Sarasota's Contemporary Theatre, Florida Studio Theatre was founded in 1973 by Artist Jon Spelman. Starting out as a small touring company, FST traveled to places such as migrant camps and prisons. The company then acquired the former Woman's Club building, becoming the first permanent venue. Shortly after Producing Artistic Director Richard Hopkins arrived, the building was purchased and renamed The Keating Theatre. In the years that followed, Florida Studio Theatre established itself as a major force in American Theatre, presenting contemporary theatre in its five theatre venues: the Keating Theatre, the Gompertz Theatre, the Parisian style Goldstein Cabaret and John C. Court Cabaret, and Bowne's Lab Theatre.
Even with its growth, Florida Studio Theatre remains firmly committed to making the arts accessible and affordable to a broad-based audience. FST develops theatre that speaks to our living, evolving, and dynamically changing world. As FST grows and expands, it continues to provide audiences with challenging, contemporary drama and innovative programs.