Asolo Rep's ROE IllumiNation event will be held on Wednesday, March 21. Lisa Loomer's ROE (March 14 - April 15) is a poignant new play that humanizes and examines both sides of one of the most polarizing Supreme Court cases of all time: Roe v. Wade. A stimulating series of theatre and conversation exploring the topical and social themes threaded throughout the season, IllumiNation events begin one hour prior to curtain with a ticketed reception on the mezzanine, continue with the performance, and conclude with a free, open-to-the-public conversation.
For each IllumiNation performance, a block of seats will be held in the mezzanine and balcony for PAY WHAT YOU CAN (minimum of $5 per ticket). These tickets can only be reserved on the day of the show starting at 10am by phone or at the box office.
The March 21 conversation will be moderated by IllumiNation committee member Rosenda Calloway, a 30-year resident of Sarasota and longtime Asolo Rep patron. The panel will feature former Maryland State Senator Paula Hollinger, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida Stephanie Kight and Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court Chief Judge Charles E. Williams.
Rosenda Calloway is a 30 year resident of Sarasota and has enjoyed the Asolo Repertory Theatre with her husband as a season ticket holder for the past 22 years. Rosenda is employed by AAA as their Manager of home based travel agents for 11 states and Puerto Rico.
Paula Hollinger is a Democratic Party politician from Maryland. She most recently served as the associate director for health workforce in the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, retiring in 2015. Until 2007, she served in the Maryland State Senate as a Senate Committee Chair, and was a candidate for Maryland's third congressional district in 2006. The seat was being vacated by Ben Cardin, who was seeking the Democratic nomination for the United States Senate seat being vacated by Senator Paul Sarbanes. She came in third place in a field of eight other Democrats, garnering 21.3% of the vote. Hollinger was in the General Assembly for 26 years. She was elected as a delegate in 1979, and became a state senator in 1986. Hollinger chaired the Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee in the Maryland General Assembly, serving as the only woman to chair one of the four standing senate committees.
Stephanie Kight is President and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida. She is an experienced health care leader and a lifelong champion for equity. Stephanie has decades of experience in health care business strategy, brand and marketing, public policy advocacy, and program development, and her commitment to this work stems from her deep belief that women should be trusted to make their own decisions. Stephanie has held senior leadership roles at the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and at Planned Parenthood affiliates in Ohio and California. Most recently, at the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, she initiated and implemented many of Planned Parenthood's new national marketing and communications approaches. She has refined Planned Parenthood's brand nationwide and launched the federation's first sex education text messaging program.
Judge Charles E. Williams was born in North Carolina, raised in St. Petersburg, Florida and graduated from Howard University in Washington D.C.; He earned his law degree from the University of Florida. His past awards include the Community Service Award from the Manatee County Bar Association, and the Manatee County NAACP Public Service Award. He is a recipient of the Sarasota County NAACP 2014 Public Service Award and also the recipient of the Sarasota County Branch NAACP's 2014 Lifetime Achievement Award. He is the recipient of the C.L. McKaig Award, presented by the Sarasota County Bar Association in recognition and appreciation of his tireless dedication to promoting the ideals of equality, justice, and professionalism. Judge Williams has been elected twice by his fellow judges to serve as Chief Judge for the 12th Judicial Circuit.
IllumiNation Ticket Packages:
3 Play Package
Section A: $195 ($65 per ticket)
Section B: $150 ($50 per ticket)
Section C: $90 ($30 per ticket)
Section D: $63 ($21 per ticket)
For each IllumiNation performance, a block of seats will be held in the mezzanine and balcony for PAY WHAT YOU CAN (minimum of $5 per ticket - phone fees apply). These tickets can only be reserved on the day of the show starting at 10am. Reservations made by phone (941.351.8000) or at the main box office.
The pre-performance reception is free for series ticket package holders and $10 for ticket holders to that evening's performance. Asolo Rep subscribers are welcome to change their performance dates to the IllumiNation Series dates and pay the additional $10 fee for the pre-show reception. Please contact the box office directly at 941.351.8000. The post-performance discussion is free and open to all.
IllumiNation is sponsored by Morton's Gourmet Market & Catering and Capstan Financial Consulting Group.