Renowned actor John Malkovich stars in a stage play for Baroque orchestra, two sopranos and an actor based on the real-life story of the notorious convicted serial killer Jack Unterweger, a former “cause célèbre among Austria’s intelligentsia” (The Independent, London) who was sentenced to life in prison in 1976 for murdering a young girl. Considered a model of rehabilitation, he was paroled in 1990 – only to later murder 11 more women on two continents.
With a voice that purrs with menace, Malkovich recreates this deadly Don Juan – a man both charming and utterly manipulative – while two sopranos represent the unfortunate women in Unterweger’s life. The works of Beethoven, Haydn, Weber, Vivaldi and Mozart reveal a darkly comic, chilling journey through the life and mind of the notorious womanizer, writer and murderer. Told through monologues and arias, The Infernal Comedy is an intriguing and innovative rendering of, as Malkovich puts it, “a bad, bad guy.”
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