Lin Manuel Miranda's first show, the Tony Award winning In the Heights chronicles the story of the diverse, vibrant neighborhood of Washington Heights and the hopes and dreams of the neighborhood in the face of gentrification and change.Musical Direction by Jon Nathan, featuring the UCSB Jazz Ensemble. Directed and designed by Otto Layman, with choreography by Gianna Burright.
You're a good Man, Charlie Brown
San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre (6/6 - 6/29) | ||
Million Dollar Quartet
San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre (2/7 - 3/9) | ||
I Hate Hamlet
San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre (5/2 - 5/18) | ||
Brahms' Requiem
The Granada Theatre (4/27 - 4/27) | ||
The Seven Deadly Sins
The Granada Theatre (3/22 - 3/22) | ||
Mozart Marathon - Two Concerts, Two Different Programs
The Granada Theatre (1/18 - 1/18) | ||
Chaplin's Masterpiece @100 - The Gold Rush
The Granada Theatre (2/15 - 2/15) | ||
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