Invertigo Dance Theatre will perform After It Happened, a breath-taking work of magical realism set in the aftermath of a natural disaster as a community rebuilds itself, at Santa Barbara's New Vic Theater (33 W. Victoria Street, Santa Barbara, CA, 93101) on Saturday, October 22 and Sunday, October 23.
After It Happened exhibits Invertigo's virtuosic dancing delivered with the company's signature and stunning athletic physicality, complimented by live music, vivid elements of theatre, spoken dialogue, and puppetry. The piece is a testament to the human capacity to create light, song, and re-growth when foundations and structure are swept away. Invertigo Dance Theatre is a Los Angeles-based company founded in 2007, the company was recently awarded a Bloomberg Philanthropies' Arts Innovation and Management (AIM) program grant.
Invertigo Dance Theatre's performs After It Happened, a breath-taking work of magical realism set in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Pictured here from left is Invertigo's Irene Kleinbauer and Louie Cornejo in a duet set during a power outage.
Invertigo Dance Theatre in After It Happened. The show examines how a community rebuilds in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Invertigo Dance Theatre will next perform After It Happened on October 22 and 23, 2016 at the New Vic in Santa Barbara.
Invertigo Dance Theatre's Sofia Klass (top); Chris Smith (below) and Louie Conejo (right) perform a scene in which a woman seduces a tourist. After It Happened is a full evening piece about how members of a community transform following a natural di
Invertigo Dance Theatre's After It Happened is a full evening piece about how a community rebuilds itself and searches for hope in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Invertigo Dance Theatre will next perform After It Happened on October 22 and 2
From left: Invertigo Dance Theatre's Sadie Yarrington and Diana Lynn in After It Happeend. In preparing After It Happened for its 2016 performances, Invertigo forged a number of community-building events central to the themes and issues explored in
Invertigo Dance Theatre Dancer Jessica Dunn in After It Happened. Invertigo Artistic Director Laura Karlin was inspired to make After It Happened, a work exploring a community rebuilding following a natural disaster, after seeing Spanish photojournal
from left - Invertigo Dance Theatre's Irene Kleinbauer and Hyosun Choi (on cello), and show's co-composer and musician Toby Karlin in After It Happened. After It Happened features nine dancers and two musicians performing choreography by Laura Kar
Invertigo Dance Theatre performs After It Happened. True to what often happens as a community rebuilds, roles in the piece are porous, as dancers contribute to the soundscape, musicians are swept into the action, and the audience itself is converted
Invertigo Dance Theatre performs After It Happened. The piece is a testament to the human capacity to create light, song, and re-growth when foundations and structure are swept away. Invertigo Dance Theatre will next perform After It Happened on Oct
Invertigo Dance Theatre performs After It Happened, a full evening piece about how members of a community transform following a natural disaster. Invertigo Dance Theatre will next perform After It Happened on October 22 and 23, 2016 at the New Vic in
Invertigo Dance Theatre performs After It Happened. Invertigo Dance Theatre will next perform After It Happened on October 22 and 23, 2016 at the New Vic in Santa Barbara. Photo credit: George Simian
Invertigo Dance Theatre performs After It Happened. Throughout the show, transformation is thematic: blue trash bags transition into shelter, ocean waves, a soccer ball, birds and an haute couture dress. Invertigo Dance Theatre will next perform Afte
from left: Invertigo's Chris Smith and Hyosun Choi in After It Happened Invertigo Artistic Director Laura Karlin was inspired to make After It Happened, a work exploring a community rebuilding following a natural disaster, after seeing Spanish phot