The Santa Barbara Center for the Performing Arts (SBCPA) Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Hal Conklin, Executive Director for Local Public Affairs at Southern California Edison, has been appointed to the historic theater's Board of Directors effective July 1, 2012.
"We are delighted and honored that Hal has agreed to return to the Board of Directors of the Santa Barbara Center for the Performing Arts," said Sarah Chrisman, President of the Board of Directors. "Hal's vision, commitment and tenacity were keys to the realization of the incredible restoration of the Granada Theatre."
Mr. Conklin served as the Mayor and City Council Member for the City of Santa Barbara for 18 years and spearheaded the development of the city's "Cultural District" including the restoration of Santa Barbara's historic Stearns Wharf, the Arlington Theater, and the Granada Theater. He also championed a downtown restoration plan that included a revitalized retail center, nightclub district, and waterfront hotel/park plan. Paralleling his service with the City, Mr. Conklin served for 10 years as the Co-Director of the Community Environmental Council of Santa Barbara, one of the largest environmental teaching centers in the U.S. While in office, he was President of the California League of Cities and Vice President of the National League of Cities.
Mr. Conklin is currently President of the California Center for Civic Renewal, an educational foundation developed between the California League of Cities, the California State Association of Counties, the California School Boards Association, and the National Civic League to "renew and inspire participation in local democracy." He is also Chairman of the Institute for Local Government, the non-profit research group for the California League of Cities and the California State Association of Counties. In addition, Mr. Conklin serves on the nationAl Green Seal Board, an organization based in Washington DC that certifies buildings and products for environmental content and commitment to environmental protection - including the White House, the Pentagon, and Harvard University.
Mr. Conklin is the Co-Chair of the Environmental Media Association Corporate Advisory Board in Hollywood and is the co-author of a weekly syndicated film commentary distributed worldwide entitled Cinema In Focus.
Mr. Conklin previously served on the SBCPA Board of Directors from 1998 to 2008.