Back to the Future: The Musical is set to grace the Orpheum Theatre in San Francisco from February 12 to March 9, 2025. Based on the iconic film, this Olivier Award-winning musical follows Marty McFly, portrayed by Caden Brauch, who finds himself transported back to 1955 in a time-traveling DeLorean developed by Doc Brown, played by Don Stephenson. As he strives to ensure his parents fall in love, Marty navigates the challenges of time travel and the consequences it brings. Featuring a book by Bob Gale and music by Alan Silvestri and Glen Ballard, the production promises a blend of nostalgia, humor, and unforgettable songs.
Hillbarn Theatre (1/23 - 2/9) | ||
Back to the Future: The Musical
Orpheum Theatre San Francisco (2/12 - 3/9) | ||
Stella Cole
Lesher Center for the Arts (1/18 - 1/18) | ||
Live At the Orinda - Alice Ripley & John McDaniel
Orinda Theatre (2/2 - 2/2) | ||
San Francisco Playhouse (11/21 - 1/18) | ||
The Thing About Jellyfish
Berkeley Repertory Theatre (1/31 - 3/9) | ||
Lerner and Loewe's My Fair Lady
San Francisco Playhouse (7/3 - 9/13) | ||
Mariachi Reyna de Los Angeles
Lesher Center for the Arts (6/13 - 6/13) | ||
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