An Enemy of the People is a modern adaptation of Henrik Ibsen's classic play, directed by Kenneth Kelleher. The story follows Dr. Thomas Stockmann, who discovers that the water in his town's therapeutic spa is contaminated, threatening the community's health and economic stability. This provocative reimagining explores themes of corruption, climate emergency, and inequality as Stockmann confronts those who seek to silence him for their own financial gain. The production will run from February 5 to March 2, 2025, at the San Jose Stage Company.
THE UNDERPANTS (4/2/25-4/27/25)
SWEET CHARITY (6/4/25-6/29/25)
A SHERLOCK CAROL (11/20/24-12/15/24)
THE SMUGGLER (9/25/24-10/13/24)
Bald Sisters (9/13/23-10/8/23)
The Play That Goes Wrong (6/7/23-7/2/23)
Othello (6/7/23-6/25/23)
Grand Horizons (2/1/23-2/26/23)
August: Osage County (3/30/22-4/24/22)
THE GREAT LEAP (9/29/21-10/17/21)
STRANGE COURTESIES (2/27/21-3/3/21)
NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD (10/28/20-10/31/20)
Attracting more than 30,000 patrons to downtown and employing more than 150 local artists annually, San Jose Stage Company continues to be a vital force in the region’s economic and creative landscape. As a strong community partner, The Stage has been the creative home for more than 500 performance groups including San Jose Jazz and Notre Dame High School - working together to engage, provoke, and inspire current and future theatre participants and arts advocates. The Stage has produced 165 productions, including 18 world premieres and 49 new works and is ranked as the 2nd largest professional theatre and 8th largest performance arts organization in Silicon Valley (Silicon Valley/San Jose Business Journal).
Hillbarn Theatre (1/23 - 2/9) | ||
Dance Theatre of Harlem
Lesher Center for the Arts (3/14 - 3/15) | ||
The Thing About Jellyfish
Roda Theatre at Berkeley Rep (1/31 - 3/9) | ||
Knockoff Broadway: The Improvised Musical
All Out Comedy (12/14 - 6/28)
| ||
College Notes A Cappella
Lesher Center for the Arts (2/21 - 2/22) | ||
Fat Ham
San Francisco Playhouse (3/20 - 4/19) | ||
Orpheum Theatre (2/6 - 2/9) | ||
Dog Man: The Musical
The Curran Theatre (1/4 - 1/5) | ||
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