Central Works 2019 Season's first show Wonderland, a comedy by Gary Graves, launches the 4 play 29th season and has EXTENDED THROUGH March 24th (originally scheduled to close March 17).
"We truly are through the rabbit hole, and the state of the nation is beyond parody... [Wonderland is] a playful mashup of Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" and Franz Kafka's "The Trial" set in Washington, DC." as described by Sam Hurwitt for the San Jose Mercury News. The comedy Wonderland takes place at a time when "The White House it depicts is so fundamentally broken, such a chaotic and paranoid confusion of backstabbing and intrigue, that even the most abominable scenarios aren't particularly surprising."
In Wonderland, someone must have recommended Joseph Kaye, for one morning, Directed by Jan Zvaifler, Wonderland features a cast that includes Martha Brigham*, John Patrick Moore*, Kimberly Ridgeway and Clive Worsley (*member AEA). The production has costume design by Tammy Berlin, lighting design by Gary Graves, prop design by Debbie Shelley and sound design Gregory Scharpen, with stage management by Carolina Stevens.
For more information call 510.558.1381 or visit centralworks.org