Due to a break-in at San Jose Stage Company that has caused a momentary disruption to our facilities in addition to the unpredictable weather, tomorrow's event The Ghostlight Project hosted at San Jose Stage Company will be moved. In the spirit of inclusion & community we will be combining efforts with the Hammer Theatre Center's event. We encourage all who were planning to join us at The Stage to instead join us a few blocks up in the lobby of The Hammer at 101 Paseo de San Antonio.
(event details provided below)
San Jose Stage to join with Hammer Theatre Center for The Ghostlight Project
On January 19, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. community members across the country are gathering at theaters in a collective, simultaneous action, creating "light" for the future. In San Jose, we will gather at the Hammer Theatre Center. Inspired by the tradition of leaving a ghost light on in a dark theater, we will light the way for a future committed to inclusion, diversity, and compassion.