TheatreWorks Silicon Valley kicks off its 50th Anniversary Season with The Language Archive, a quirky comedy written by Julia Cho, whose Aubergine captured rapturous praise and multiple awards. Balanced delightfully between affection and adversity, The Language Archive is the whimsical, life-affirming chronicle of a linguist fighting to preserve the dying languages of far-flung cultures, only to neglect the promise and passion of his own. Winner of the Susan Smith Blackburn Prize for Women Playwrights, this romantic parable for our times will be directed by Jeffrey Lo, who helmed TheatreWorks's hit holiday comedy, The Santaland Diaries.
WHERE: Lucie Stern Theatre, 1305 Middlefield Rd., Palo Alto
TICKETS: $40-$100; savings available for educators, seniors, active military, and patrons 35 and under. Single tickets will be available soon. Pricing subject to change.
For information or to order tickets visit or call (650) 463-1960
Photo Credit: Sara Krulwich