This world premiere livestream explores the little known story of a strange meeting of Russian piano virtuoso Rachmaninoff.
TheatreWorks Silicon Valley in partnership with Hershey Felder Presents Live From Florence offers streaming access for Hershey Felder as Sergei Rachmaninoff in ANNA & SERGEI.
This World Premiere livestream explores the little known story of a strange meeting of Russian piano virtuoso Rachmaninoff and Anna Anderson, a woman who claimed to be Princess Anastasia, the sole surviving member of the Romanov Dynasty.
Featuring Rachmaninoff's most beloved melodies and music, ANNA & SERGEI is set in the Beverly Hills house in which Rachmaninoff died in 1943, offering up a mesmerizing memory play.
Livestreamed at 5pm PDT, Sunday, May 16, 2021 with streaming on-demand access available through May 23, 2021.
For information or to order tickets visit