The Empress Theatre proudly presents world-renowned guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen with opener Paralandra and Sunlord.
Direct from Stockholm, Sweden! Yngwie Malmsteen's career has spanned over 40 years with over twenty albums to his name. Drawing influence from classical composers such as Bach, Paganini, and Vivaldi, Yngwie is responsible for birthing the neo-classical genre to the world of rock.
Public Information: Ticket prices are $35 Upper Balcony, $45 Lower Balcony, $55 Loge, and $65 Orchestra. PLEASE NOTE Only Orchestra and Table seating will be allowed on the dance floor. Visit or call 707-552-2400.
The Empress Theatre is operated and maintained by the Vallejo Community Arts Foundation, Inc, a non-profit public benefit corporation. Built in 1911, the Empress Theatre is a historical landmark located in the heart of downtown Vallejo, California.