In the spirit of the beloved hit The Black Rider, American Conservatory Theater (A.C.T.) continues the tradition of introducing eclectic, unforgettable musical projects to the stage with the world premiere of Stuck Elevator. Inventively staged by internationally acclaimed artist Chay Yew-and introducing the prodigious work of composer Byron Au Yong and librettist Aaron Jafferis-Stuck Elevator unleashes an evocative collision of stories, sounds, instruments, and ideas. Stuck Elevator will run April 4-28, 2013, at A.C.T.'s Geary Theater (415 Geary Street, San Francisco). Click below to watch behind-the-scenes interviews with the cast and creative team, and a sneak peek performance of "Shame" from the world premiere musical!
Featuring a hybrid of musical theater, opera, and solo performance, Stuck Elevator will feature Julius Ahn (Madame Butterfly at Nashville Opera; Turandot at Seattle Opera) in the tour-de-force role of Gu?ng. He is joined by an extraordinary ensemble of performers-all of whom play multiple roles-including Raymond J. Lee (Anything Goes and Mamma Mia! on Broadway) as Wáng Yuè (??), Gu?ng's 8-year-old son; Marie-France Arcilla (Working at Off-Broadways' 59E59 Theaters; Sondheim on Sondheim at the Cleveland Playhouse) as Míng (?), Gu?ng's wife; Joel Perez (In the Heights , 1st national tour; Fun Home at The Public Theater) as Marco, the wisecracking Mexican deliveryman; and Joseph Anthony Foronda (Pacific Overtures and Miss Saigon on Broadway) as Zh?ng Yi (??), Gu?ng's brother-in-law."
The creative team for Stuck Elevator includes scenic designer Daniel Ostling (Endgame and Play and Once in a Lifetime at A.C.T.; Clybourne Park on Broadway), costume designer Myung Hee Cho (Lackawanna Blues at A.C.T.; Emotional Creature at Berkeley Rep); lighting designer Alexander V. Nichols (Endgame and Play at A.C.T.; Hugh Jackman Back on Broadway and Wishful Drinking on Broadway); video designer Maya Ciarrochi (Sweet Bird of Youth at The Goodman Theatre; Arthur Miller's All My Sons at the Huntington Theater Company); and sound designer Mikhail Fiksel (Black n Blue Boys at Berkeley Rep; In the Next Room (or the Vibrator Play) at St. Louis Repertory).
Tickets (starting at $20) are on sale now and may be purchased online at or by calling 415.749.2228.