The Ross Valley Players presents Sabrina Fair by Samuel Taylor to be directed by Michael Paul Pulizzano.
A modern version of "Cinderella" set in the 1950s, this sophisticated romantic comedy follows the chauffeur's daughter, Sabrina Fairchild, who returns from Paris to live with her father at the beautiful Long Island estate of the wealthy Larrabee family. The once timid and awkward Sabrina returns from Paris a sophisticated, enchanting, beautiful young woman, who vows to "be in the world, of the world, to never stand aside and watch." First performed by Ross Valley Players exactly 50 years ago, this Broadway play was the inspiration for the 1954 Hollywood classic "Sabrina," starring Audrey Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart and William Holden.The cast will feature Cary Cronholm as Sabrina Fairchild. The cast also includes Robyn Wiley as Maude Larrabee, Barbara Van Dermeer as Julia Ward McKinlock, David Shirk as Linus Larrabee, Jr., Tom Reilly as Linus Larrabee, Mary Jane Baird as Margaret, Stephen Gustavson as David Larrabee, Jayme Catalano as Gretchen, John Anthony Nolan as Tom Fairchild, Nicole Price as a young woman, John Rose as a young man and Christopher Struett as Paul d'Argenson.
All performances are the Ross Valley Players Barn Theatre, Marin Art & Garden Center,30 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. at Lagunitas, Ross, CA.