Meet Marion Aubert. Her writings have been translated into numerous languages and presented internationally. Orgueil, poursuite, et décapitation was staged in November 2010 at the Staatstheater Saarbrücken in Germany, by Christopher Haninge and was also presented in Prague in December 2011.
Playwrights Foundation's Des Voix Found in Translation Festival presents Pride, Pursuit and Decapitation for the first time in English, directed by Carey Perloff of ACT.
Marion takes her audience on a wild ride with delicious prose. Whether it's her charming blog entry about meeting America or one of the monologues in her play, words flow out in such a melodic, savory fashion that even Google translate can't tamper with its beauty- a true testament that proves great writing exceeds language barriers. She explains the genesis of the play in a recent interview: "I wrote this play almost four years ago, during the summer of 2008. That summer was particularly hot and humid. Suffocating. I wanted to sink into debauchery and laziness. So, to avoid becoming completely decadent, I decided to write a play about cardinal sins."
Kimberly Jannarone, who translates Pride with Erik Butler, describes a surprise experience with one of Aubert's other works in France in her Des Voix Festival Blog Post, "All those monologues! There they were, in their theatrical glory, flying all over the stage! Whoop?the actors catapult into the sky from the emotional force of those words! Bang! The doors of the century-old barn swing open onto the forest, propelled by the fierce weight of la parole. Hooray! Everyone in the audience lifts their hands on the spoken promise of wild blueberry pie."
Be sure to join us and watch a staged reading of Pride, Pursuit and Decapitation: Saturday, May 26th at 8:00PM at Z Space.
Buy tickets here.