PianoFight and San Francisco Theater Pub are proud to announce the latter's marquee production, the venerable Pint Sized Plays, will return in 2017 with five all new installments running throughout the year. Pint Sized Plays is made up of short plays set in a bar, written by locals. The only rule is that each play can't run longer than it takes one of its characters to finish a beer. Pint Sized will take place in the PianoFight bar on Monday evenings at 7:30pm in March, May, August, October and December. Tickets are free to $30 suggested donation, and can be reserved atwww.pianofight.com
As SF Theater Pub closes its doors this December, PianoFight will take over production and expand Pint Sized while keeping a few key ingredients of continuity. Meghan Trowbridge, former co-artistic director of Theater Pub, will continue with the new incarnation of Pint Sized as its Literary Director. "We're accepting submissions right now and throughout the year," says Trowbridge, who expects to see many of the voices that shaped Pint Sizedreturn, but is also excited to find new talent. "This is a great opportunity for seasoned writers and brand new voices. All are welcome and encouraged to submit!" More information on submitting can be found at www.pianofight.com/pintsized "Over the years, PianoFight Creative Company members, myself included, have been involved in past Pint Sized productions as actors, writers, directors, and musicians," says PianoFight Artistic Director, Rob Ready. "On top of that, accessibility is important to us, and free theater in a bar is the single most accessible way you can see a play. SF Theater Pub's tagline was, 'Make it good. Keep it Casual. Have a Beer.' And we intend to keep that idea alive and flourishing."Videos