"History: The Musical"...an unscripted romp through Western history! Each of 17 performances begins in a different time period, from the Neolithic to the 1960s, and leads to our present moment in time. Like snowflakes, no two shows are alike.
The show plays Thursdays - Saturdays at 8pm/doors at 7:30pm. Tickets: $20 ($10 for students and seniors) at www.un-scripted.com/tickets/ or at the door. Call 415 322-8738 or visit www.un-scripted.com for more information.
Photo Credit: Un-Scripted Theater Company
Mia Blankensop, Pamela Hawley and Andy Sarouhan
Greg Shilling and Andy Sarouhan
Greg Shilling, Michael Fleming, Pamela Hawley and Mia Blankensop
Greg Shilling
Mia Blankensop
Michael Fleming, Greg Shilling and Mia Blankensop