Oasis Presents Hot Trash
Hot Trash, staring D'Arcy Drollinger, is a satirical weekly round-up of news, celebrity gossip, social media, trends and maybe a cat video now and then; all viewed through the lens of San Francisco drag star and owner of the legendary nightclub / cabaret, OASIS. Think "John Oliver in pumps and a wig" or "Talk Soup" meets "Drag Race" and you've got "Hot Trash" - the campy Cliffs Notes of current events, now in it's sixth week.
Written by Michael Phillis & D'Arcy Drollinger. Video production and editing by Richard Neveu. Edited by Steve Bolinger & Andrew Slade. Line producer: Carissa Hatchel, graphic design by Beth Miles, graphic production by Sean-Franc Strang, sound editing by Sophia Craven, parody songs by Steve Bolinger & Zelda Koznofski, script coordinator Lori Fowler, styling by Ron Brock. Produced and Directed by D'Arcy Drollinger
Watch at youtube.com/sfoasis.