The production features Lijesh Krishnan as Hamlet, Federico Edwards as Claudius, Kathryn Wood as Gerturude, Emily Ludlow as Ophelia, Krista White as Horatio, Geoffrey Colton as Polonius, along with Arcady Darter, Alan Quismorio, Myles Wynn, Greg Gutting, Jackie Haslam, Tim Foley, and Tracy Baxter.
Creative Team
Directed-Production Design by: Rey Carolino. Play edited by David Abad.
Costumes by Maria Graham. Music by Geoffrey Colton.
Dances by Lisa Darter. Fights staged by Kristen Matia,. Graphic Art by Jennifer Boywer, Additional Graphics by Colin Dickau
Ninjaz of Drama is a San Francisco performing group that brings both classical and original works of theatre to the smaller stage.
As a San Francisco Bay Area theater director and producer, I'm proud and equally daunted to stage and bring to life one of the greatest plays ever written for the world stage, the tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by William Shakespeare. The play with its poetry and philosophical insights owes to the memorable ancient Greek tragedies and comedies for its cultural impact; indeed Shakespeare's masterwork can be called the "Godfather" of classical theatre with its themes on family, power, and revenge, and whose popularity has yet to dwindle.
TICKETS: $20-25 at 888-541-9753.