Friday, October 30th, 2009 - Improv Comedy returns to the Theater Barn, featuring The Role in the Hay Players: Laura Banks, Jodi Bayer, Cheryl Boyd, Rick Hodder, Pamme Jones, Wayne Leiss, and Melissa Power.
This continuing series benefits the building fund. ($18 of your ticket is tax deductible.) NOTE: TO SIT WITH ANOTHER PARTY, PLEASE USE THE 'SEATING REQUESTS' FORM ON OUR WEBSITE. Due to the spontaneous nature of improvisation, performances may contain adult language and themes that may not be suitable for some children. Parental discretion is advised.
Doors open at 7 pm
Tickets $22
($18 tax deductible)
Cabaret seating-bring your favorite food & witches brew!
Audience participation is always encouraged.
Proceeds benefit the building fund