NCTC's YouthAware presents a free performance of OUTSPOKEN by award-winning playwright Prince Gomolvilas and directed by Sara Staley, starring Melvin Badiola, Sam Jackson, Megan Putnam, Alex Rodriguez and Alvin Thomas.
The YouthAware Community Night Special Performance will take place on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 7:00 PM. Performance Runtime: Approximately 40 Minutes. Informative Talk-Back with the Director and Cast: Approximately 20 Minutes.
OUTSPOKEN is a play about bullying and diversity, appropriate for 6th - 12th graders, parents, teachers, friends, NCTC subscribers and allies. It is an innovative and engaging drama for teens that looks at the many reasons young people feel ostracized in school, at home, and in their communities including race, religion, sexual orientation, body type, and socioeconomic background. OutSpoken helps teens think and talk about stereotypes, labeling and diversity within their communities.
Through OutSpoken, we hope young people will find new ways to move past these differences to a place of real acceptance and understanding. Learn more about the show HERE.To reserve your seats for this FREE performance, call the NCTC YouthAware Director, Sara Staley at 415.694.6149 or send an email to and include your name, number of tickets and your contact information.