Marin Shakespeare Company's 2013 outdoor summer season continues with new adaptation of "A Comedy of Errors." Adapted and directed by Lesley and Robert Currier, William Shakespeare's farce gets a Texas twist in this updated tuneful, side-splitting tale about luckless cowboys caught up in a comic adventure of mistaken identity and romantic love. The production is a fun introduction to Shakespeare for all ages and features fun new twists for Shakespeare fans.
The "Pay What You Will Preview" is 8 p.m. tonight, July 19. Opening night performance of "A Comedy of Errors" is 8 p.m. Saturday, July 27. Visit the Marin Shakespeare web site for specific dates and performance times through Sept. 29, 2013.
The Forest Meadows Amphitheatre opens one hour prior to show time for picnicking. Audiences are encouraged to bring picnics or purchase snacks at the Theatre Cafe. Warm clothing, jackets and blankets are recommended for evening performances. Parking is free.
The Marin Shakespeare Company summer long festival features a variety of special events and discounted ticket options including "Pay Your Age" for adults 20 to 37-years old and "Pay What You Will" preview performances. Single tickets are $20 to $37.50. To order, visit, or call 415-499-4488.