A little girl named Alice follows a White Rabbit into a Wonderland where nothing is as expected. There she encounters a crusty Duchess, the Mad Hatter, the diabolical Queen of Hearts, the Cheshire-Cat, Tweedledum and Tweedledee, and the other strange inhabitants of Wonderland. Join Alice as she embarks on a series of adventures sprung from the pen of Lewis Carroll, one of the few adults ever successfully to enter the children's world of make-believe: a Wonderland where the impossible becomes possible and the heights of adventure are limited only by the depth of our imaginations.
Alice has been delighting audiences of all ages since the late 1800s. Her adventures are the rare literary treasure that truly appeals to all ages. Kids will relish the sheer absurdity of Alice and her friends, while adults will discover that the children they once were are still alive and well in the grown-ups they have become.
Alice's Wondrous Adventure will perform at Unity, 1490 Southwood Drive in San Luis Obispo, from January 22 - February 6. Please note the family-friendly performance schedule: Saturday and Sunday matinees at 2PM as well as Saturday evening performances at 7PM. Ticket prices are $14 for Children and $18 for Adults and may be charged by phone at (805) 543-PLAY.
Alice's Wondrous Adventure
January 22 - February 6
Saturdays @ 2 PM & 7 PM, Sundays @ 2 PM
UNITY, 1490 Southwood Drive, San Luis Obispo
805 543-PLAY (7529)