Held in the vibrant heart of Downtown Oakland on October 8, the first-ever ARC Youth Fest offers young artists the opportunity to showcase their talents for a chance to win $5,000 in scholarships and prizes. Co-created by ARC Oakland, a community-oriented art collective and incubator, the ARC Youth Fest is the first-ever, large-scale art and culture street fair spotlighting young artists in performing, visual, culinary and tech arts.
Held from 1pm-7pm and located between Broadway Ave., Franklin and 21(st) Streets, tickets are available at $10 for youth and $20 for 21+. Children 6 and under are free. For more information, visit www.arcyouthfest.com.
Created in 2003 as a neighborhood recycling program evolved into the community-oriented art collective and incubator now known as ARC Oakland. With deep roots in the San Francisco Bay Area, the organization's ongoing mission is to cultivate local talent and celebrate local culture while making art an accessible, viable career option for aspiring youth. With STEM + art at the heart of its programming, ARC Oakland works to nurture smart creatives who will change the world. ARC Youth Fest is a unique way to get the entire community involved in creating social change for these youth artists.Videos