Epic Frame, a New York City based ensemble, is proud to present the world premiere of The Unfelt Wonder at the FURY Factory Festival of Ensemble Theater, curated by foolsFURY Theater. This solo show fuses a complex multimedia design with heightened language and an immersive directing concept to create a theatrical experience full of suspense, intrigue, and dark humor sure to excite audiences. The Unfelt Wonder starts today, July 18th at NOH Space and runs for only three performances.
The Unfelt Wonder follows one woman's attempt to escape the lifelong scientific experiment that has denied her physical contact with objects, people, and herself. Told through five characters, including an aftermath-obsessed therapist and a fire-jumping daredevil, the play forces us to consider the merits of living an untouched life.
Denying traditional play development practices, Epic Frame creates new performance experiences by implementing ensemble collaboration from concept to production. We make stories that are loud, images that surprise, and immersive experiences that envelop audiences. The ensemble is comprised of director Lillian Meredith and playwright/performerAngela Santillo. Lillian (www.lillianmeredith.com) is dedicated to the creation and development of new work. Her recent credits include shows at Soho Rep, Culture Project, and Actors Theatre of Louisville. She is the creator/producer of the annual festival Communal Spaces and is a member of the Lincoln Center Directors Lab and the Soho Rep Writer/Director Lab. Angela (www.angelasantillo.com) last performed in San Francisco at ZSpace in foolsFURY'sPort Out Starboard Homeand is an Associate Artist with the company. Her plays recently performed at Dixon Place, Hive Theater, Chain Theater and her show Faulted will open at Thick House in November. The Unfelt Wonder is the ensemble's first project, and was created in collaboration with media designer Kevin Brouder.
The FURY Factory brings dozens of vibrant performance groups from the Bay Area and around the country to San Francisco's Project Artaud. Epic Frame joins Dandelion Dance Theatre, Dzieci Theatre, The Imaginists, Teatro Luna, Under the Table, WaxFactory, Post Natyam Collective, the Submarine Show, and many more.
Tickets: $16 single ticket
Friday July 18 8:30pm
Saturday July 19 8:30pm
Sunday July 20 5:30pm
VENUE: NOH Space, 2840 Mariposa StreetSan Francisco, CA 94110
FOR SHOW INFORMATION: www.unfeltwonder.com or www.foolsfury.org