Award-winning theatrical magician and illusionist Christian Cagigal reprises his hit solo performance Now and at the Hour for ten weekends, Fridays and Saturdays, June 5-August 15 at EXIT Stage Left, 156 Eddy Street in downtown San Francisco. All performances are at 8:00 pm; tickets $15-20-25. (No shows on July 4 weekend.) Now and at the Hour gained critical acclaim at the 3rd Annual FRIGID Fest in New York earlier this year.
Theatrical magician Christian Cagigal reprises his show, Now and at the Hour at EXIT Theatre in SF, June 5-Aug.15.Cagigal's previous show at the EXIT, The Pandora Experiment, played four separate runs in 2007-8 to full houses and enthusiastic critical reception.
Now and at the Hour, produced by EXIT Theatre invites audiences to join Christian Cagigal as he takes them on a journey through Time and Reflection. No flash, no frills, Now and at the Hour weaves magic, mind reading, story telling and theatre into an intimate, interactive and altogether unnerving magical experience. Christian Cagigal is among a new crop of illusionists and theatre artists who dare to go beyond the usual bag of tricks, and instead lure you into a world of darkness, mystery and imagination. His work slowly seeps into your subconscious until you have to ask the question, "This isn't real is it...?"Comments on this and previous shows by Christian Cagigal:
"Now and at the Hour is a unique and genuine theatrical experience that should not be missed...shows style, dignity and true artistry.""...intimate spectacle..." -- Chloe Veltman-SF Weekly"Dastardly clever. Cagigal's feats...keep his audience riveted." - Robert Avila, SF Bay Guardian "No mere illusionist...Cagigal is one of those rare alchemists of the imagination." - Nirmala Nataraj, SF StationCagigal says his show "is for believers, skeptics, those who hate magic shows, and those who hate theatre. There is nothing inappropriate for children at all, but this is not a ‘kids' magic show."Christian Cagigal, Writer and PerformerCOMING UP LATER THIS YEAR AT THE EXIT
June 12-13. Soliloquy for Two. Ron Coulter and Sid Star present two benefit performances for EXIT Theatre, 156 Eddy Street in San Francisco. Performances begin at 8:00 p.m.