"Mr. Burns: a Post-Electric Play," written by Anne Washburn and directed by Kyle Cooper, features a group of survivors after the collapse of civilization. The survivors surround a campfire and reminisce about the plot of an episode of "The Simpsons" television show titled "Cape Feare." The production runs November 9-December 2, 2018 in the Young Theatre on campus with Musical Direction by Craig Shields and Choreography by Angeline Mirenda.
Anne Washburn is an American playwright whose works include "A Devil At Noon" and "The Communist Dracula Pageant." Awards include a Guggenheim and a Time Warner Fellowship and she is an associate artist with The Civilians, Clubbed Thumb, and New Georges theatres. She currently has plays commissioned by MTC, Playwrights Horizons, Soho Rep and Yale Rep.
Director Kyle Cooper is a writer, director and producer for film and theatre. As a writer, he has worked with such prolific film directors as Simon Wells, Dennis Dugan and Donald Petrie and has written on projects for Sharon Stone, Bella Thorne, Uma Thurman and Ralph Fiennes. Development credits with Eclectic Pictures include London Has Fallen, Septembers of Shiraz and Frankenstein. Musical Director Craig Shields is a multi-instrumentalist specializing in dance collaboration. He accompanies dance full time at CSU Fullerton, teaches percussion at Chapman University and performs extensively throughout LA and Orange County. Choreographer Angeline Mirenda is a Los Angeles based entertainer and choreographer. She has been dancing for 22 years, and studied Theatre and English at Chapman University.
The cast of "Mr. Burns: a Post-Electric Play" includes Mykah Atkins, Isobel Beaman, Evan Borboa, Spencer Cassling, Rachel Fosnaugh, Charles Garcia, Aryana Hamzehloo, Genevieve Kauper, Peri Kolodziej, Olivia Kridle, Briana Marquez, Dawson Power, Rey Pulice, Darby Sorich, Corinn Szostkiewicz, Leo Torrez and Seth Weaver.
Scenic design is by Todd Faux, lighting design is by Edgar Antonio Alamo, costume design is by Kaylynn Sutton, sound design is by Roberto Hernandez and hair and makeup design is by Nicolette Woodard.
"Mr. Burns: a Post-Electric Play" plays at 8pm on November 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 29, 30, December 1, and at 2pm on November 11, 17, 18, December 1, 2. General admission tickets are $14 ($12 with advance Titan Discount purchase for students, seniors or with a CSUF ID). All tickets are $14 at the door. Tickets are available by calling (657) 278-3371, 11am-5pm, Monday through Friday and online at:http://www.fullerton.edu/arts/theatre/events/td_productions.php
CSUF's "Fall Dance Theatre" features world premiere choreography from CSUF dance students, faculty, and guest artists running from November 29-December 9, 2018 in the Little Theatre on campus.