During this crazy time when the community can't be together physically, BATS Improv will be doing weekly shows online to bring a little improv magic into homes no matter where you are. Each week will bring news shows - please check out the show lineup online and join BATS for a weekly dose of improv.
Friday, May 1 - Soap Opera: Long takes to the camera, overdramatic face acting, playful costumes and, the best part of a daytime soap, commercial breaks!
Saturday, May 2 - Blank Show: An improvised online game show inspired by the Match Game!
How it works: Visit the BATS website and click the link next to the show you want to see starting at 7:30pm the night of the show. That link will take you to BATS virtual theater. NOTE: The links will NOT be active until 7:30 pm on the night of the performance.
BATS is currently using Zoom for their online performances, so you may be prompted to download and install Zoom if you haven't installed it previously.
Public Information: All online improv shows are FREE but limited to the first 500 people who enter when the show link opens at 7:30 on the night of the show. Visit www.improv.org/online-shows/ or call 415- 474-6776.