Playwrights Foundation (PF) Cutting Ball Theater and Tides Theatre announced the Des Voix...Found In Translation Biennial 2014, a Festival of New French Plays and Cinema in San Francisco May 1-25, 2014. The Festival features a "Bal Littéraire" On Friday, May 9, 7 PM with Nathalie Fillion member of La Coopérative d'Ecriture, the founders of the Bal. Nathalie Fillion will be leading the deliciously raucous, international, and decidedly theatrical evening where the literary meets the dance floor in a disco nightclub setting.
Six Playwrights both French and American; Anthony Clarvoe, Leonore Confino, Prince Gomolvilas, Riad Gahmi, Liz Duffy Adams, Jon Bernson and DJ Michael Falsetto-Mapp - will create a new play together in 48 hours, and perform it live with the audience and artists dancing to their favorite tunes between scenes. For the Bal, scenes and songs alternate, with each scene ending with the title of the song that follows. The six Playwrights cooperatively decide on a set-list of six songs that would make even the dead get up and boogie, and together they develop an interactive story that involves the city of the day, the mood of the moment, or a current event that inspires them.
This season's "DES VOIX... Bal Littéraire" is on Friday, May 9, 7 PM at The French American International School at150 Oak Street, San Francisco, CA 94102.
Des Voix...Found In Translation is an international exchange project that initiates the translation of vanguard French and American playwrights. Des Voix...Found In Translation features new play readings-May 8-11 at Tides Theatre and also includes: A Festival of New French Cinema May 4, 18 & 25 featuring some of the most dynamic French screenwriters in this generation, concurrently at Tides Theatre; A "Bal Littéraire" A New Play Nightclub on Friday May 9 at 7 PM .
This San Francisco festival features new translations of provocative plays by four of the most innovative playwrights working in France today - Christophe Honoré, Leonore Confino and Riad Gahmi will be showcased with new play readings May 8-11 at Tides Theatre. Samuel Gallet's play COMMUNIQUÉ N°10 translated by Rob Melrose in the 2012 Des Voix Festival is receiving its American Premiere (May 1-25) as part of Cutting Ball Theater's 15th Anniversary season for this Des Voix... festival. Three plays will be performed in English during the month-long Festival at Tides Theatre with COMMUNIQUÉ N°10 at Cutting Ball..Go to for the full Des Voix...Found In Translation schedule.