June 25th was the 50th of All You Need Is LOVE , the Pride parade and a beautifu sunny day in San Francisco. Many of you might have seen SkyHearts over the City this last Sunday and wondered why?
Was it a wedding proposal?...no
Was it for the Giants game?....no
Was it part of the Pride Celebration?...yes and more
Fifty years ago, on June 25, 1967, the Beatles introduced their iconic hit "All You Need is Love" in a live performance during the world's first global satellite broadcast. The song quickly became the anthem for San Francisco's (and the world's) Summer of Love and has continued to radiate its profound message to all of us right up to this day.
It's hard to imagine more serendipitous events surrounding this celebration. The 50th anniversary of the song fell on this Sunday, amazingly the same Sunday as the Pride parade. So the city is filled with lovers or all kinds from all around the world. Some came to celebrate Pride others to celebrate the 50th of the Summer of LOVE, some both. San Francisco is filled with good vibes these days. And sunshine.
Back Story
More than a year ago Chris Hardman, artistic director of Antenna Theater, decided to celebrate the 50th anniversary of All You Need Is LOVE and began organizing an event. During this time Chris wondered if the BBC, the original producers of the All You Need Is LOVE might also be planning an event. He got hold of the BBC and 'lo and behold' they were. This started a global collaboration with the BBC planning on producing musical tributes all around the world. The BBC wanted to use famous bridges around the world as a backdrop and as a metaphor: we can bridge our differences. Hardman's idea was to have skywriters draw a heart in the center of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Then about four months ago the BBC bailed.
But the dream did not die, and on June 25th, the SkyHearts appeared thanks to the generosity of Now Share Love www.nowsharelove.org.
The Magic Bus www.magicbussf.com was also invited as part of the lead contingent in the Pride Parade to celebrate the 50th of All You Need Is LOVE and generally the Summer of LOVE with its invitation to become a participant in a dream instead of a cog in a machine.
The Dream Continues
Sunday, October 1 2017 SkyHearts over the Golden Gate Bridge
In the afternoon of October 1, two skywriters will draw large SkyHearts over the Golden Gate Bridge. People are invited to to find a spot with a view of the Golden Gate Bridge to witness this sweet vision. Synchronized music and an invitation to sing "ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE" will be part of the festivities.