AfroSolo Theatre Company: A Celebration of Art, Culture, Intellect & Entertainment presents What's Your Story? A Solo Performance Workshop. Taught by Thomas R. Simpson, this workshop will concentrate on developing your writing style, the structure of your story, character development and performance skills. The workshop will include improvisation, acting and writing exercises, as well as noted guest artists from the Bay Area theater community. Students will work towards creating a piece to have a public performance at the end of the workshop.
The workshop will be Saturdays, June 7- July 26, 2008 at the African American Art and Culture Complex. The cost is $100. To register or get more information email or call: (415) 771-2376.
Thomas R. Simpson is the Founder and Artistic Director of the AfroSolo Theatre Company, an award winning actor, producer, performance artist, writer and teacher.
Space is limited so to assure participation please register as soon as possible.