Marin Theatre Company presents Around the World in 80 Days by Toby Hulse, based on the book by Jules Verne, as part of MTC's Theater Series for Young Audiences. Directed by Daunielle Rasmussen, the production runs January 9 - 18, 2015.
On the very day that the bank of England is robbed, Mr. Phileas Fogg and his faithful servant Passepartout hurriedly leave London in the middle of the night to circumnavigate the globe in a mere 80 days! Little do they know that detective Fix of the Yard is on the case and in hot pursuit...
Performance Days:
Sat, 1/10, at 10:30 a.m. & 12:30 p.m.
Sun, 1/11, at 10:30 a.m., 12:30pm & 3pm
Sat, 1/17, at 10:30am, 12:30pm & 3pm
Sun, 1/18, at 10:30 & 12:30pm
Recommended for ages 7 and up. 50 minutes. Tickets: $18 for kids under 14 | $22 for adults. Discounts tickets for groups of 15 or more available. Call MTC's Box Office, 415.388.5208, for details and to purchase. Performances will play Marin Theatre Company, 397 Miller Ave, Mill Valley, CA 94941. For tickets and more information, visit, call (415) 388-5208, or email
ABOUT MTC - Founded in 1966, Marin Theatre Company is the Bay Area's premier mid-sized theater and the leading professional theater in the North Bay. We produce a six-show season of provocative plays by passionate playwrights from the 20th century and today in our 231-seat main stage theater, as well as a five-show Theater Series for Young Audiences in partnership with the Bay Area Children's Theatre in our 99-seat studio theater. We are committed to the development and production of new plays by American playwrights, with a comprehensive New Play Program that includes premiere productions, two nationally recognized annual playwriting awards, readings and workshops by the nation's best emerging playwrights and membership in the National New Play Network. Our numerous education programs serve more than 8,500 students from over 40 Bay Area schools each year. MTC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.