The inaugural production of Chicago's legendary Steppenwolf Theatre, AND MISS REARDON DRINKS A LITTLE, is a dark comedy explores the lives of the three Reardon sisters, who have recently lost their mother. During an uncomfortable dinner reunion, a well-meaning but obnoxious set of neighbors crash the party and set an already incendiary situation ablaze.
Written by playwright Paul Zindel, directed by Shareen Merriam, the show stars Lessa Bouchard, Jean Conger, Sheila Ellam, Kelly Reinhart, Mary Lou Torre, Jon Toussaint, and Kyle Wood.
Designed by Jason Arias (company manager), Jonathan Covey (sound), Kimberly Davis (costumes), Carson Duper (lighting), Meredith Hagedorn (executive producer), Richard Robles (set design), Ruth E. Stein (props), and Anastasia Wirth (stage manager).
The show runs tonight, August 30th - September 22nd, 2013, Thursdays - Saturdays at 8pm (doors open at 7:30pm); Sundays at 2pm (doors open at 1:30pm). Pay-what-you-can preview on August 29th. Opening night gala after the August 30th show. Post-show discussion after the show Sunday, September 15th
The NEW Dragon Theatre in downtown Redwood City is located at 2120 Broadway Street at the intersection of Broadway and Theatre Way. Tickets are $15 - $35. Pay-what-you-can preview on August 29th. $10 rush tickets on Thursdays and Fridays after opening week. TIX & MORE INFO: