Featuring premieres by choreographers Maria Basile, Hsiang Hsiu Lin, Gary Masters and a revival from Fred Mathews.
sjDANCEco presents "Looking Back - Seeing Forward" a season-closing program of World Premieres by choreographers Maria Basile, Hsiang Hsiu Lin, Gary Masters and a revival from Fred Mathews.
Dancers are from sjDANCEco and Lin HH School of Dance. Presented in collaboration with San José Chamber Orchestra.
The program will be streaming online from Saturday, June 12 at 8:00pm through Friday, June 18 at midnight. Watch as often as you like during that time period.
The Live Performances will take place on Friday, June 11 and Saturday, June 12 at 8:00pm. Seating is strictly limited to 100 seats. The performances will be taped.
To register to receive links, or to purchase tickets to the live performances, visit www.sjDANCEco.