This new dark comedy about self-discovery and new beginnings will be directed by longtime NVA collaborator Samantha Ginn.
New Village Arts, North County's cultural hub, announces the San Diego Premiere of THE ROOMMATE by Jen Silverman. This new dark comedy about self-discovery and new beginnings will be directed by longtime NVA collaborator Samantha Ginn, and will star Milena (Sellers) Phillips and Kim Strassburger.
"The premiere of this show was originally scheduled for spring of 2020, but because of COVID, everything was shut down a few days before we were supposed to open" said director Samantha Ginn. "So I'm thrilled that we're now getting the chance to do this amazing play. The playwright, Jen Silverman, gave these actors so many comedic moments to work with. The comedy is grounded in complete truth as well. Often that truth is coming from a lonely and sad place in the characters. So, it's enjoyable to watch those characters discover the moments of dark comedy. I think audiences will be very surprised. This play is not a predictable story. It's a transformation play. These characters are not the same as they
were at the start of the play. It's surprising to see how they change and evolve."
Described as "THE ODD COUPLE meets BREAKING BAD," THE ROOMMATE is a dark comedy about two women who forge an unlikely bond despite their many differences. Sharon (Phillips), in her mid-fifties, is recently divorced and needs a roommate to share her Iowa home. Robyn (Strassburger), also in her mid-fifties, needs a place to hide and a chance to start over. But as Sharon begins to uncover Robyn's secrets, they encourage her own deep-seated desire to transform her life completely. THE ROOMMATE is a dark comedy about what it takes to re-route your life - and what happens when the wheels come off.
Samantha Ginn will make her mainstage directorial debut at NVA with THE ROOMMATE. Ginn, the Director of Education for New Village Arts, oversees all of NVA's education programs, including nationally recognized neurodiverse education programs. These programs give teenagers and young adults with 1 neurodiversity professional training in theatre. Ginn is also a regular performer at NVA. Some of her favorites include SYLVIA, THE MISS FIRECRACKER CONTEST, and THE WEIR. She appeared most recently
in the critically-acclaimed premiere adaptation of THE SERVANT OF TWO MASTERS (which she also co-adapted).
Milena (Sellers) Phillips returns to the NVA stage after acclaimed turns in 1222 OCEANFRONT: A BLACK FAMILY CHRISTMAS, INTIMATE APPAREL, MEN ON BOATS, and HAVING OUR SAY. She is joined by Kim Strassburger, making her return to the NVA stage after several years away (NVA credits include SEASCAPE and SIMPATICO). Both women will bring their considerable experience to this production.
The design team includes frequent, critically-acclaimed NVA collaborators: Christopher Scott Murillo (Scenic Designer), Annelise Salazar (Lighting Designer), Katrina DeRoche (Costume Designer), Samantha Ginn & Marcus Rico (Sound Designers), and Andrea Moriarty (Properties Designer).
THE ROOMMATE will run from April 1 to April 22, with previews from March 24 - 30.