New Village Arts Presents John Patrick Shanley's FOUR DOGS AND A BONE, directed by Joshua Everett Johnson.
Featuring NVA Ensemble Members Joshua Everett Johnson, Kristianne Kurner and Amanda Sitton with Actors Equity Member Eric Poppick.
FOUR DOGS AND A BONE is Shanley's vicious satire about Hollywood where a naive writer, a desperate producer, an embittered actress and a scheming starlet take Center Stage as they fight tooth and nail for control of a troubled film production. Sex, greed and egotism abound as the four attempt to save their careers and avoid ending up in a straight-to-video 'art house dog.' For Mature Audiences.
Two pay-what-you-can Previews June 4 & 5 at 8 PM
Runs June 6 - 28
Thurs & Fri 8 PM
Sat 3 PM & 8 PM (8 PM only on June 6)
Sun 2 PM
Photo: Amanda Sitton and Kristianne Kurner. Photo by Daren Scott.