The National Comedy Theatre, San Diego's nationally acclaimed improvisational comedy show, will be presenting its annual "Halloween Spooktacular" on Friday, October 31sth and Saturday, November 1st at 7:30 & 9:45 pm.
The "Halloween Spooktacular," is a variation on our regular improv comedy show, complete with Halloween-themed subjects, spooky games and an ending so bizarre that it will be discussed until Thanksgiving. It's sort of a combination of "Friday the 13th meets Whose Line is it Anyway?"
The "Halloween Spooktacular," as well as the regularly scheduled show, is absolutely appropriate for all audiences.
Advance tickets may be purchased online at, or tickets can be purchased at the door the night of the show, provided seats are left. Tickets are $17 for adults and $12 for students.
This will be the most fun you've ever had at a Halloween party in your life - and we never exaggerate. The National Comedy Theatre is located at 3717 India St. in Mission Hills.
For additional information, call 619.295.4999.