Based on the beloved tale by Roald Dahl, Matilda tells the story of a young girl with astonishing intelligence, an unbreakable spirit, and a mysterious gift.
Christian Theater Arts Project will present Matilda the Musical with performances showing from November 16-24.
Based on the beloved tale by Roald Dahl, Matilda tells the story of a young girl with astonishing intelligence, an unbreakable spirit, and a mysterious gift.
With a cast of 85 youth ages 8-18 from the community, this show is a celebration of kindness, courage, and friendship. With zany ballroom dancing, schoolyard stomps, and a dynamic cast, families will be captivated by this classic story.
CTAP is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to creating opportunities for young performers that emphasize life skills, responsibility, teamwork, and kindness. With a commitment to fostering a sense of family and belonging, CTAP believes in the power of theater to inspire and enrich the lives of its participants and the community.
Directed by Maddy Taticzek, with choreography by Talia Crume and musical direction by Danny Lybeck, this production promises to enchant audiences of all ages.