If you're looking for that prize winning Halloween costume or attending a "Lord of the Rings" theme party or a gala in the spirit of the "Roaring Twenties"– this is your perfect opportunity to pick up an exclusive ensemble.
Players Theatre is having the first sale of "one of a kind" costumes and vintage clothing in the history of the company. Lamb's is "cleaning out its closet," so to speak, and downsizing the need for storage space in order to be fiscally responsible. The event will take place on October 19 & Saturday, October 20 at the office of Lamb's
Players Theatre located at 1126 Loma Avenue in Coronado. We are transforming the first and third floors of the office into a costume display that will be full of hidden and exclusive treasures.
Friday, October 19, 6-8pm, will be an exclusive sneak preview for the Donor Team of Lamb's Players along with wine and light refreshments.
Saturday, October 20 from 9-11am is designated for Season Subscribers and 11am -3pm is open to the general public.
The majority of costumes have been designed by the award-winning Resident Costume Designer for Lamb's
Players Theatre –
Jeanne Reith. Her staff has gone through the inventory and pulled costumes for sale such as "Take Back Your Mink"-- The Hot Box Girls costumes from GUYS and DOLLS, the fantastical chickens from THE BOOK OF THE DUN COW, the exquisite baroque gowns from JOYFUL NOISE and even a life size tooth brush, molars, sugar plums and Wooblies.
A wide variety of time periods will be available for purchase --everything from … Mad Men (vintage sixties) to Mad Max (Futuristic), The White Witch (fantasy) to King Henry the 8th (Renaissance) --- Vintage Aprons to Hats Galore--- and masks and capes and so much more.
All proceeds benefit the ongoing mission of LAMB'S
Players Theatre --to tell good stories well. Lamb's Players is able to accept cash and all major credit cards, and unable to accept checks.
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