Jack Turner, local playwright and lyricist, is holding the first public reading of "LUBE: A MODERN LOVE STORY" (www.lubemusical.com), a gay-themed Broadway style musical, at SanDiego's LGBT Center on October 1, 2016. The reading will benefit the "It Gets Better" Project (www.itgetsbetter.org) and the Animal Rescue Coalition (arcanimalrescue.com).
All twenty-four of the songs written for the show by composer Brandon Bowerman will be played during the event, with many of the tunes making their world-premiere debut.
"LUBE: A MODERN LOVE STORY" is the first of a new genre of musical theater. It's a gay-themed play, written by a gay man with music composed by a gay composer, but intended for gay and gay-supportive audiences.
"LUBE" is a musical comedy that takes a serious look at growing up gay, including the decision whether to stay in or come out of the closet, bullying, prejudice, the lac of role models, religious persecution, and teenage suicide. But, it also deals with friendship, changing attitudes, and acceptance -- especially what can sometimes be the hardest of all: self-acceptance.
The reading will take place on October 1, 2016 at 7pm at the LGBT Center, 3909 Centre Street, San Diego, CA 92103. Tickets: lubemusicalreading.eventbrite.com.