Twin brothers Jack and Benny Lipson, professionally known as the critically acclaimed jackbenny, will make their San Diego debut at Martinis Above Fourth on Wednesday, March 20, at 8pm. The duo will present their show It's National See-A-Show Day! featuring wittily provocative original songs and uniquely arranged covers, all seasoned with the brothers' signature sibling shtick. Along with jackbenny's longtime percussionist Theo Seidmon, special guests will include fiery songstress Bella Hicks and the Baritone Bombshell Jonnie Reinhart.
It's National See-a-Show Day! spotlights the musical and lyrical prowess of Jack and Benny Lipson, aka jackbenny, Los Angeles-native twin composers, songsters, and multi-instrumentalists who inject musical theatre storytelling into the gamut of artistic styles. Heralded as "a testament to their generation," their progressive and fresh harmonic language informed by jazz and classical roots complements their progressive, savvy lyrics that explore queer identity, consensual conduct, healthcare bureaucracy, and myriad other contemporary social/cultural phenomena. In two acts of iconically provocative originals served with a healthy heaping of sibling shtick, jackbenny guides audiences on a candid tour through the fragile, well-curated millennial mind.
After years of studying, performing, and writing a wide range of music separately, Jack and Benny Lipson united to birth the award-winning project jackbenny. They shared their debut show in 2016 with musician-comedian Reggie Watts, and have since played their "sensational, clever, and astute" originals in Los Angeles (in residency at the Lyric Hyperion Theatre), New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Sheridan, Wyoming, where they presented their "musicalette," Miranda, Please! through the Wyoming Theater Festival - even in Falam, Myanmar. jackbenny serves as house band for both For Good: a monthly night of showtunes to save the world and Jonnie Reinhart's A Queer Cabaret, where the Lipsons have collaborated with artists including Darren Criss and Michael Arden. Jack and Benny are developing Brainstorm, a three-character song cycle of their music.
Admission is $25. Doors open at 6pm for cocktail and dinner service (minimums apply). Tickets are available online at or by phone at (619) 400-4500. Martinis Above Fourth is located at 3940 Fourth Avenue (2nd floor), in San Diego, 92103
PHOTO BY Cliff Lipson.