Following on the heels of two critically acclaimed productions, The Chosen and Having Our Say, The Coachella Valley Repertory Theatre (CVRep) will present La Gringa, the 1996 Obie Award-winning play by Carmen Rivera. Directed by CV Rep Artistic Director, Ron Celona, La Gringa will be performed at The CV Rep Theatre in Rancho Mirage from tonight, March 4th through Sunday, March 22nd, 2015.
In keeping with this season American Melting Pot theme (a look at four distinct cultures by four critically-acclaimed playwrights), La Gringa is set in the countryside of Puerto Rico. This heart-felt, six-character comedy (with music) captures the colorful spirit of the Puerto Rican experience. The play revolves around Maria, a young Puerto Rican-American woman who visits her extended family in Puerto Rico in search of her roots with hopes to bond with her homeland. Much to her surprise and disappointment, she is not welcomed with open arms and the comedy ensues as she realizes that in the eyes of Puerto Rico she is an American - La Gringa.
The stellar cast members include: Ayanery Reyes as Maria Elena Garcia, David Yukon as Monolo Cofresi, Kyla Garcia as Iris Burgos, Eliezer Ortiz as Ramon "Monchi" Reyes, and Robert Almodovar as Victror Burgos. New York actress, Marina Re, who received rave reviews, as well as the 2014 Desert Theatre League Award for her role as Maria Callas in last seasons CV Rep production of Master Class, co-stars as Norma Burgos. (SEE ATTACHED BIOS and PHOTOS)
"Not only is La Gringa an insightful look into the vibrant culture of Puerto Rico, it reveals, through the eyes of Maria (the pivotal character), that cultural identity is based on heart and spirit rather than superficial and external traits". Says director, Ron Celona.
Although CV Rep will present La Gringa in English, the original production opened at the Spanish Repertory Theatre in February of 1996. That year the play won an Obie Award and has the distinction of being the longest running Off-Broadway Spanish language play.
La Gringa will be performed at the Coachella Valley Repertory Theatre located at 69930 Highway 111, Suite 116, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 from Wednesday, March 4th through Sunday, March 22nd, 2015 with evening performances on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 7:30 PM and matinees on Saturday and Sunday at 2 PM. Tickets are $45.00. To purchase tickets call 760-296-2966, visit or purchase them from the CVRep Box Office. The Coachella Valley Repertory Theatre is a (501)©3 Non Profit.